Instructions for authors

Author Guidelines


Please send your abstracts by e-mail to:

Deadline is 30.6.2021


Abstract requirements

  • send it by email before the deadline
  • file type is MS WORD
  • font Calibri, font size 11, single-spacing, edges 2.5 cm
  • do not use abbreviations without explanation
  • do not change the header
  • abstract must be structured according to the type of the study:
    • Original research article – abstract is divided into sections: INTRODUCTION, OBJECTIVE, METHODS, RESULTS, CONCLUSION
    • Review article – abstract is divided into sections: INTRODUCTION, MAIN TEXT, CONCLUSION


Precise instructions:

  1. Name of the article in English language
  2. Type of the study (original research article, review article, poster)
  3. Full names of all of the authors without titles (name, surname)
  4. Unabridged affiliations of the authors
  5. Keywords in English language (4–6)
  6. Structured abstract in English language (1200–1500 characters per page including spaces, approximately 15 lines)
  7. Contact of the first author (full name including title, e-mail)


Structure of the presentation

  1. Length of the presentation is max 10 minutes + discussion after each contribution
  2. Recommended program is MS PowerPoint
  3. Structure of each part is divided according to the type of the study (see abstract requirements)



  • Abstracts that do not fulfil the above requirements or is in conflict with the ethical principles for publication will not be accepted.
  • Pay attention to the quality of the translation. Translations made by automatic translators will be sent back to the author for corrections.
  • Abstracts will be published in a reviewed collection of abstracts.
  • The collection of abstracts will be available for all participants on the day of conference. This is why it is important to send the abstract before the deadline expires.



AZENBACHER, A: Úvod do etiky, 1. vyd., Praha: Academia, 2002. s. 292.

VAGNEROVÁ, M., MOUSSOVÁ, Z., ŠTĚCH, S.: Psychologie handicapu, 1. vyd., Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze,

DUNOVSKÝ, J. et al.: Sociální pediatrie – vybrané kapitoly, 1. vyd., Praha: Grada, 1999. s. 200-201.


HANZL, M., DUŠEK, J.: Úloha enterální výživy mateřským mlékem v péči o nedonošené novorozence. In: Výživa – nedílná součást léčby závažných chorob. Sborník příspěvků a abstraktů z mezinárodní konference. České Budějovice: JU ZSF, 2005. s. 49-53.

HRUŠKOVÁ, M., KOZLOVÁ, L.: Násilí na ženách – současný stav. In: Sociální práce. Praha: Triton, 2003. s. 21-53.


DAVIDOVÁ, L. et al.: Atropin a jeho místo v současné medicíně. Kontakt, České Budějovice: JU ZSF 2005. Vol. 7, no 3-4, s. 349-353, 350.

electronic resources

web pages

Národní rozvojový program mobility pro všechny. [online], [cit. 2005-02-21]. Dostupné z:

article in electronic series:

POMAHAČ, R.: Etika ve veřejné službě pro nové tisíciletí – recenze. Veřejná správa [online]. 19/2003 [cit. 2003-05-07].

Dostupné z:

Links to citations in the text
The text refers indicating the author's surname and year of publication; more than three authors use the abbreviation "et al.". For example: (Neumann et al., 1978, p. 25) (Pilman and Blackson, 1999, p. 152), (Záškodná, 2001, p. 125).